Connection compartment accessories


Handhole doors are available with a range of curvatures to fit different models of pole.

Contact our sales team to find the right size.


kytkentätilan luukku


Electrical number Pole diameter Ø mm
4608650 108
4608652 139
4608654 168
4608656 219
4608658 273
4608660 323

Tehomet decorative door

Tehomet’s decorative doors are suitable for use on poles with round profiles.

Ø 108 mm
Ø 114 mm
Ø 139 mm
Ø 168 mm


kytkentätilan dekoluukkudekoluukku


Socket retaining plate

The retaining plate is used to attach the socket to the light pole.

The plate measures 100 x 100 mm.

It has a countersunk central hole for mounting with M6 screws.

pistorasian kiinnikelevy

If your site requires a non-standard mounting solution, we will be happy to help you choose the right package. If you can’t find a standard component that meets your needs, we will design and manufacture the required components.