Everything you need to finish and equip your light pole: connection compartment accessories, installation accessories, other accessories and guards.
Connection compartment accessories
Equipped to meet each project’s requirements
Every Tehomet light pole has a connection compartment for making the necessary electrical connections. The connection compartment will be equipped to meet the individual requirements of each project.
At its simplest, the connection compartment will have brackets for the pole’s fuse and earthing, and be covered by a screw-mounted door.
At the other end of the spectrum, the connection compartment will contain sockets, hydrants or a variety of mounting plates for power supplies and controllers. The door will usually be equipped with a lock and hinges to facilitate access.
If the connection compartment contains a socket, it is a good idea to include a cable channel, so that the door can still be closed and locked even when the socket is in use.

Pole installation accessories and mountings
Flange plates and anchor bolt cages
Tehomet’s light poles are usually installed using prefabricated concrete foundations. However, the use of concrete foundations is not always possible. The use of prefabricated concrete is usually prevented by a limited excavation depth that requires a shallower foundation solution.
The most common method is flange installation, which requires the casting of an anchor bolt cage and a corresponding flange for the anchor bolts on the base section of the pole. Tehomet poles can be equipped with standard flange plates 1–8, for which suitable anchor bolt cages are also available in our range.
Poles and anchor bolt cages can also be supplied with any custom dimensions required by the site.

Guards for light poles, trees and pedestrians
Dents and scratches most commonly occur in car parks or during snow ploughing. We can provide a variety of pole guards that can also be customized to meet your needs.